Windrush 75 events calendar

Windrush Compensation Scheme Advice - Drop In Sessions
If the Windrush scandal has affected you and you suffered losses because you could not confirm your legal status, you may be eligible for compensation from the government.
If you think this could affect you, free and confidential advice is available in Hackney, about making an application for compensation from the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

Windrush Compensation Scheme Advice - Drop In Sessions
If the Windrush scandal has affected you and you suffered losses because you could not confirm your legal status, you may be eligible for compensation from the government.
If you think this could affect you, free and confidential advice is available in Hackney, about making an application for compensation from the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

Windrush Compensation Scheme Advice - Drop In Sessions
If the Windrush scandal has affected you and you suffered losses because you could not confirm your legal status, you may be eligible for compensation from the government.
If you think this could affect you, free and confidential advice is available in Hackney, about making an application for compensation from the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

All the Generations Windrush Zine-making workshop
As part of Hackney Archives Windrush Season, join us in a safe, encouraging and creative space to make your own Windrush 75 Zine.

Uprising Windrush Street Party
Join in the Windrush 75 celebrations with Uprising Community Club’s street party. Open to everyone of all ages, the street party includes music, poetry, dance, food, and reflection on the journey of Hackney’s Windrush generation.

A Windrush Story for Families
Dates to be confirmed: July & November
Chats Palace is bringing together local Primary schools & local elders (via The Palace Club) to share their life stories in the context of the lived experience of older and younger Windrush Generations.

Windrush Compensation Scheme Advice - Drop In Sessions
If the Windrush scandal has affected you and you suffered losses because you could not confirm your legal status, you may be eligible for compensation from the government.
If you think this could affect you, free and confidential advice is available in Hackney, about making an application for compensation from the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

Windrush 75: Amelia Gentleman, Michael Braithwaite & Judy Griffith
Amelia Gentleman's exposé, The Windrush Betrayal, shocked the nation. On 29 June, she will discuss the aftermath of the Windrush scandal with Michael Braithwaite & Judy Griffith, two victims of the UK's "hostile environment" immigration policy.

The glorious finale of Grand Union Orchestra’s week-long festival: soaring voices, hypnotic drums, roaring brass, fiery jazz soloists and a spectacular drum and percussion ensemble tell the backstory of the Windrush Generation and the African diaspora.

Windrush Sunday Celebration
SAINT's Windrush Sunday 75th Anniversary Celebrations include a screening of the brand new short film 'Legacy', a unique look at the Windrush Story of Leroy Logan MBE and his family.
Leroy will be joined in conversation by his 'Second Mum' Jessie Stephens MBE. Lunch will be served afterwards in the Walled Garden.

Woodberry Down Windrush Celebration Day
Join Manor House Development Trust at the Redmond Community Centre for a day of community celebration with free Caribbean food, children's activities and Windrush-themed performances including spoken word, sketch theatre and participatory drumming.

In June 1948 the SS Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury Docks with the first influx of the Windrush Generation. Fast forward to 2023 and experience this incredible narrated musical as we tell their story and how the music they brought with them went on to take the world by storm.

House of Amau presents the Afrikan Heritage Writers Anthology Readings: 100 Years Unheard
Given voice through poetry and prose through the Afrikan heritage writers. 100 Years Unheard is the first anthology by the AHW published in the centenary year marking the end of WW1 it is a collection of new poetry and prose based on the likely experiences of women of Africa and diaspora, left behind when their husbands, sweethearts, sons, brothers and other male folk, went off to fight for desperate armies on one side or the other, of the Great War.
Pieces from the book will be read and performed by the original writers.

Grand Union Orchestra AllStars, Shoreditch and Hoxton Community Orchestra Windrush Day celebration dance and barbecue.
Early evening party with delicious Caribbean food provided by local residents and volunteers! African and Caribbean music provided by the Community Orchestra with the help of Grand Union musicians.
Admission: pay what you can afford, or for what you eat!

Hoxton Celebrates ...Windrush
The Hoxton Trust and Grand Union Orchestra tell the story and backstory of the Windrush generation

Celebrating Windrush 75 - Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation
Join Hackney Caribbean Elderly Organisation in the celebrations with an afternoon of arts and culture, health & wellbeing activities and more.

Legacy Reading Rooms at Hackney Archives
Displaying a variety of materials to interact, read, and browse during the Windrush Season, Hackney Archives opens a space for the community to sit and reflect on Hackney's pioneering spirit and celebrate African and African Caribbean contributions,history and culture.
Everyone is invited to use the space, securing the ongoing legacy of the Dalston CLR James Library as a meaningful cultural resource ensuring the history and contributions of these communities in Hackney, are preserved and shared.

ReVive Festival - a captivating tribute to Windrush
Welcome to International Day! An extraordinary event celebrating diversity, art and community. The main feature of this grand occasion is the ReVive Festival - a captivating tribute to Windrush.

Come and find out more about the S&HCO. It doesn’t require a high level of skill, nor the ability to read music, just enthusiasm and an open mind! And if you enjoy it, you’ll be welcome to play in the celebrations on Windrush Day (22nd)

Chats Lunch Club Celebrate Windrush 75
A special celebration 2-day event for the older generation in Hackney to celebrate Windrush 75.
Have fun with activities including exercising Windrush music, poetry reading, storytelling, sharing experiences, a singalong, music and dancing.

Windrush Compensation Scheme Advice - Drop In Sessions
If the Windrush scandal has affected you and you suffered losses because you could not confirm your legal status, you may be eligible for compensation from the government.
If you think this could affect you, free and confidential advice is available in Hackney, about making an application for compensation from the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

Windrush 75 - Amity Outreach
Celebrating Windrush 75 with older people aged 60+ living in sheltered accommodations across Hackney. The Amity Project London will visit six venues.

Following On the Trail of the Bengal Tiger celebrating the 50th anniversary of the independence of Bangladesh, Re:Gen musicians present their own response to the story of the Windrush Generation and the African diaspora.

The youth orchestra continues with a masterclass in Caribbean music.

Grand Unions’s Windrush commemoration week gets under way with an unbridled evening of Caribbean, Latin and African dance rhythms, featuring the Grand Union Orchestra’s much- loved brass and sax soloists in unwrapped mode, plus some surprise special guests! (In partnership with Local and Live in Hackney)

Hackney Town Hall and Windrush Sculptures Tour
Explore Hackney Town Hall on this free guided tour, you’ll also visit and learn about the significance of the borough’s two new Windrush sculptures in Hackney Town Hall Square and in the Narrow Way.

Windrush Compensation Scheme Advice - Drop In Sessions
If the Windrush scandal has affected you and you suffered losses because you could not confirm your legal status, you may be eligible for compensation from the government.
If you think this could affect you, free and confidential advice is available in Hackney, about making an application for compensation from the Windrush Compensation Scheme.

Hackney Town Hall and Windrush Sculptures Tour
Explore Hackney Town Hall on this free guided tour, you’ll also visit and learn about the significance of the borough’s two new Windrush sculptures in Hackney Town Hall Square and in the Narrow Way.

Recent Acquisition: Journeys to Hope
Autograph London presents a new outdoor display sharing the journey of the Windrush generation before, during and after arriving in the UK.