Keep active
“Small Steps” is a campaign launched by the City and Hackney’s Public Health team in July 2023. The aim of the campaign is to encourage local people to be more physically active. This doesn’t necessarily mean going to the gym or doing an intense workout. It could simply be walking to the next bus stop or taking the stairs instead of waiting for the lift.
The campaign has been divided into four phases over the course of 12-18 months. The phases have been divided into these categories:
Phase 1: Focus on children and families
Phase 2: Emphasis on women and girls
Phase 3: Emphasis on residents 55+
Phase 4: Engaging with global majority communities
During each phase, the Council will focus on opportunities across the City & Hackney which residents may not be aware of. This will include everything from highlighting local organisations who provide fitness classes and aligning our messaging with national campaigns by our health partners, including the NHS’s Get Active campaign or This Girl Can by Sport England.
This page will be regularly updated with local opportunities and key messages to help all our residents work towards getting more active.
Activities for Phase 3
We are excited to announce the launch of the Spring phase of our Small Steps campaign, where we will be encouraging residents aged 55+ to be active everyday. Staying active can help you increase the amount of exercise you do and sustain it, contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
A great way to incorporate physical activity is by taking advantage of the New Age Games programme. With a timetable full of fun activities ranging from walking groups to table tennis - there truly is something for everyone.
New Age Games will be at various Hackney locations. Sessions are free, but residents must register first. 50+.
Other local activities include:
Fit 4 Health 30 minute class for older people and those recovering from a stroke
Chair based exercise with a resistance band by afrocafitness
Versus Arthritis - exercise videos / pictures and descriptions of exercises
Daubeney Conversation/Daubeney Fields Forever/Tree Musketeers
Activities from previous phases
Family Activities for children with SEND
Low intensity activity
Fit 4 Health 30 minute class for older people and those recovering from a stroke
Chair based exercise with a resistance band by afrocafitness
Versus Arthritis - exercise videos / pictures and descriptions of exercises
Daubeney Conversation/Daubeney Fields Forever/Tree Musketeers
Accessible workouts
Community activities
Accessible workouts
Sports training at home
Here are some suggested routes you can take through Hackney’s streets to help you be more active by foot:
Amhurst Road
Clapton to Millfields
St. Thomas
Upper Homerton
Walk Hackney - Find more routes to discover Hackney’s history and nature
Step it up Hackney – active walks, jogging and running programme
Step it up is a dynamic series of walking sessions spread across 3 distinct areas of Hackney.
We are encouraging people who may not be very active to get out of their homes and enjoy the benefits of their nearest green space by walking at pace and challenging themselves to get from their couch to cover a distance of 5K.
The walks will be led by friendly local coaches and instructors who will get your heart pumping, lungs working and putting that spring in your step.
This is an 12-week programme that will get you up from your sofa to completing a 5K distance. We will even signpost you to activities you can do yourself to help meet that 5K goal.
Find out more about step it up Hackney.
Walk at home challenge
If you are self isolating and are unable to leave your home why not try walking at home:
Exercises for mindfulness
Organisations that provide support around exercise and mental health
Programmes to support long term conditions and to help support weight loss
Other organisations that offer sport or physical activity
London Fields Tri Club
Super 5 Adult Female Small Sided Football
Find support services map
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Take a look at our find support services map for more activities, services and support happening across Hackney.
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