Resident Information

Hackney Carnival will take place on 22 September 2024 from 12:00 - 19:00. The Council is working closely with the relevant authorities including the Metropolitan Police, London Ambulance Service, London Fire Brigade and Transport for London to deliver a safe, enjoyable and free event for the local community.

Residents and businesses in the affected area will have been sent a letter on how the event may impact them. To create a safe parade route for the day of carnival and protect the area, a number of road closures and parking restrictions (PR) will be implemented in and around Hackney Central that may affect you. Please see below for more details.

Resident Letters

We are sending out three resident letters in the months prior to carnival that are being delivered to 17,000 business and residential addresses in the areas most affected by carnival - copies of these letters are available via the buttons below:

Resident HOTLINE number

Residents can call our HOTLINE number on the day of Carnival ONLY. This is to report concerns, Anti-Social Behaviour or other Carnival related incidents. This is not an information line and should ONLY be used for reporting significant issues that are affecting local residents. The number is 07762 002 129. This number will be operational from 07:00am until 21:00pm

Road Closures: 22nd September 2024

Advance warning signs indicating where road closures are will be installed in-and-around the parade route two weeks prior to the event. Please note: you may see physical signs in your area showing closure timings of 07:00 - 21:00 while road closures below are listed here as 07:00 - 18:00. The physical signs cover the whole traffic order, so please use the closure time listed below and the traffic impact map.

The following roads will be closed on Sunday 22nd September 2024. If you normally park your vehicle in any one of the below roads please check and remove your vehicle from the area before the suspension period commences to avoid having your vehicle removed.

Road Closures (07:00 - 18:00)

• Albion Drive (Queensbridge Road to Lansdowne Drive) (PR) • Dalston Lane (A10 to Amhurst Road) • Dalston Lane (Pembury Circus and Lower Clapton Road) (PR)

Lansdowne Drive (Shrubland Road to Trederwen Road) (PR) • London Fields West Side (PR) * • Lower Clapton Road (Dalston Lane and Urswick Road) (PR)

Queensbridge Road (Graham Road & Whiston Road) (PR) • Shrubland Road (Marlborough Ave to Lansdowne Drive) (PR)

Richmond Road (London Fields West Side to Lansdowne Drive) (PR) • Mentmore Terrace (South of London Lane) (PR)

Road Closures (07:00 - 21:00)

• Mentmore Terrace (North of London Lane) (PR) • Amhurst Road (Pembury Circus to Mare Street) (PR) • Bohemia Place (PR) • Brett Road (PR)

Churchwell Path • Ellingfort Road (PR) • Graham Road (PR) • Hillman Street (PR) • Kenmure Road (PR) • Mare Street (Well Street to Amhurst Road) (PR)

Morning Lane (PR) • Nursery Road (PR) • Paragon Road (Trelawny Estate to Mare Street) (PR) • Penpoll Road (PR)

Reading Lane (PR) • Richmond Road (Eleanor Road to Mare Street) (PR) • Saint Johns Church Road (PR)

Sutton Place (PR) • Sylvester Road (PR) • Valette Street (PR) • Wilton Way (Penpoll Road to Mare Street) (PR)

All road closures will be enforced from 07:00 on the 22nd September to enable the relevant protective measures to be put into place prior to the event. Advance warning signs indicating where road closures will be installed in and around the parade route two weeks prior to the event. 

If you do need to travel on Sunday 22nd September please plan your journey in advance, be aware of the closures and restrictions that will be in place and allow more time for your journey. We advise local businesses to plan any deliveries outside of the closure periods or on an alternative day.

Please note any vehicles parked in contravention of any parking restrictions will be removed by the council's parking enforcement service. If your vehicle has been removed please check on to find out where the vehicle’s been relocated. You can also call TRACE on 0300 077 0100.

Parking Restrictions

The roads listed in the Road Closures list above marked with (PR) indicate that parking restrictions will be in place.

Parking suspension notices will be installed in days leading up to the event showing exact timings and locations of the restrictions. Please check if the bays you usually use are affected and get in touch if you need advice via email:

(*) Please Note: Further parking restrictions are in place on London Fields West Side from Thursday 19th - Tuesday 24th September and on Richmond Road on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd September 2024.

London Fields West Side and Mentmore Terrace/Ellingford Road

London Fields West Side. The section of London Fields Park in front of the Lido will be a Production Site for Hackney Carnival. It will be built in the days prior to the 22nd. This means that London Fields West side will be busier than usual. As previously noted there are parking restrictions in place on London Fields West Side from Thursday 19th - Tuesday 24th September and on Richmond Road on Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd September 2024. On the day before and day of Carnival floats will be entering and leaving the site on London Fields via the entrance on London Fields West Side, whilst we aim to keep the disruption to a minimum we apologise for any inconvenience.

Mentmore Terrace/Ellingford Road. The Full length of Mentmore Terrace and Ellingford Road will be used for the line-up of the Carnival Parade on the 22nd September. The Floats and Participants will be moved onto Mentmore Terrace from around 10:00am and will start to depart from 12:00 mid-day, and we expect all floats to have left the site by around 14:00-14:30. Carnival Floats have been given permission to soundcheck between 11:00-11:30am. Whilst we aim to keep the disruption to a minimum we apologise for any inconvenience to your day.

SUSPENSION OF LTNs (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods)

To assist residents in moving around the road closures the Council has suspended the enforcement of ALL LTNs in the borough for a 24 hr period on Sunday 22nd September, enabling residents to travel freely through the LTN zones. If you drive through an LTN on this day you will not be penalised.

Pedestrian Access

Pedestrian access within the event footprint will not be impacted. However in areas with high footfall, measures may be implemented at times to maintain public safety, security will be on hand to provide support and advice.

Noise, Anti Social Behaviour and Safety

Residents located close to the event may be impacted by noise from the music and the audience. 

Security personnel will be deployed across the event footprint as part of the event's safety and security measures. Security personnel will be supported by a dedicated team of community safety enforcement officers who will be working closely with the event to monitor and respond to any reports of noise and Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) within the Hackney Central area. In addition, the Metropolitan Police are working closely with the Council throughout the event. 

Should you encounter any noise or ASB disturbances please report immediately to the event resident hotline which will be live during the event, the hotline number will be available in due course.

Event Contact Details

If you have any further questions, concerns or pre-event enquiries please contact us via email: