New Year, Old Hackney

Our reading list this January has been curated by Hackney Libraries in collaboration with Hackney Museum. The museum cares for over 9,000 ​objects, artworks, images and oral history recordings, and inspires many visitors every year – from schoolchildren to celebrated authors.

When better to look back at our local history, ancient and modern, than at the changing of the year? We have chosen a selection of books with links to items held in this vital local collection. Look out for object photographs alongside the titles on our list! And if you’d like to learn more, browse Hackney Museum’s online collections – they are full of photographs, detailed descriptions and histories. Visit the museum website at to find out more.

Hackney Museum is on the ground floor of the Technology and Learning Centre, next to Hackney Town Hall square, below Hackney Central Library. Why not visit both in one day? Borrow a book from our list, and immerse yourself in local history.


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