Spotlight on local resident - David Jeffrey

How long have you been a resident of the King’s Park ward? 

I moved to Clapton Park Estate in 1997. I was born locally and did take a bit of time out to go elsewhere.

What do you like to do to keep active and healthy? 

Pre-lockdown, I was using the gym, King’s Hall, a few times a week and that was keeping things as they should be. The first few weeks of lockdown was like ‘I’m going to watch loads of telly and just eat cake’. Then I realised the area that I’m in and how blessed we are. Walking has become a big thing for me, I used to think walking to the shop was too far to be honest with you, but now I walk everywhere. It’s because I’ve got these open spaces and you can go so far.

Why is being physically active important to you? 

My age (56). There’s no way of getting out of it or sugar coating it, it’s about taking care of yourself. 

What do you enjoy about living in this area? 

We live in a city where there are new buildings going up on every corner, then you can go to the end of the road and have all that open space: Hackney Marshes, Olympic Park - there are loads of places to walk. 

Can you share any top tips with other residents? 

It's all about replacement, I replaced going to see bands with walking. I have my headphones on and a playlist…music blaring in your ears and walking is a fantastic combination.

Find out more information about King’s Park Moving Together.


Spotlight on local resident - P Charles