Spotlight on local resident - Harry Henenesy
Harry Henenesy has worked in the King’s Park Ward for over seven years. He started his weight loss / healthy living journey three years ago after a visit to his doctors. Harry started feeling unwell and decided to go for a routine health check at his local surgery. His doctor informed him after his blood test results came back that he was pre diabetic. Over the last three years Harry has worked hard at losing weight and become more healthy in the process.
How long have you been a resident of the King’s Park ward/In Hackney?
Harry has worked in the ward for over seven years. He works as a centre assistant for Hackney Marsh Centres. A job which is varied and keeps him active throughout the day.
Have you always been an active person, if not what led you to physical activity?
Harry has not always been active. The warning he received from the doctor, that he was pre diabetic gave him a push to change his life. The conversation with the doctor made a difference straight away, he was referred to a social prescriber who supported him in joining the gym. The support lasted a few months, which was enough for him to then carry on by himself. Harry was grateful for the gym pass but with no previous experience found it hard at first. No personal trainer was given so Harry set up his routine, he went to the gym and did one hour every other day.
What do you like to do to keep active and healthy?
Harry says that working keeps him active as he is on his feet all day. “Eat less food and have small portions. Something just clicked” is important to keeping a healthy diet. Harry said that he cut out bread and eats no fatty stuff. “When I was bored I would just eat, I loved food. I had to change my mind about food”. Harry questioned if he would carry on the journey using the gym as the price jumped up high after the free sessions stopped. He carried on for a few months after but then decided to start walking and cycling.
Why is being physically active important to you?
“It is important because good health is everything. Over the past three years I have lost 11 stone. The first couple of stones burnt off quickly but then I hit a deadline stop. No more weight was coming off so I had to change my routines”.
What do you enjoy about living in this area?
Harry walks 5 days a week for 3-4 hours about 8-10 miles. Cycles about 2-3 hours about 18-21 miles over the course of the week. Most of this is done in and around the green spaces in the area.
Can you share any top tips with other residents?
“Keep it in your mind (that you want to make a change) and don’t give up”.
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