How would a Chinese-speaking diasporic woman imagine romance in her mother tongue?
The workshop ‘Romance Elsewhere’ explores the Chinese romance novels collected at Hackney Central Library to uncover the hidden diasporic experiences of Chinese-speaking women living in Hackney. Facilitated by Youjia Qian, this workshop will adopt a feminist perspective to guide participants through these novels and their borrowing records, sharing Youjia’s investigation of how they delineate the unspoken herstories of Chinese-speaking diasporic women and their imaginary romance in their mother tongue.
The workshop is designed for Chinese immigrants to increase their engagement with the Chinese collection at Hackney Central Library. The participants will also be encouraged to develop a new book list for the library's Chinese collection.
Language: Mandarin
“言情别处”工作坊以Hackney Central Library中文馆藏中的言情小说为素材,揭示居住在哈克尼的华裔女性被隐藏的侨民经历。在 Youjia Qian 的主持下,该工作坊将采用女权主义视角,引导参与者了解这些小说和它们的借阅记录,并探索这些小说如何侧写出华语女性侨民的历史和她们以母语构筑起的想象中的浪漫。
该工作坊旨在让华语移民更多地了解Hackney Central Library的中文藏书。它欢迎参与者为图书馆的中文藏书推荐新的中文书单。
About Youjia Qian
Youjia Qian is an independent writer, curator and editor based in Hackney, London. Her works and practices focus on archives and publications to remap the unseen experiences of Chinese diasporas and the memories of her hometown Wuhan, China. She founded a Chinese feminist and Queer diasporic publishing project ‘Pubis Project’. She graduated from the Royal College of Art in the UK.
钱又嘉是一位独立作家、策展人和编辑,现居伦敦哈克尼。她的作品和实践侧重于档案和出版物,关注华人侨民被隐去的经历,以及她对家乡武汉的记忆。她创办了关注中文离散女性和酷儿的出版项目Pubis Project(耻骨计划)。她毕业于英国皇家艺术学院。