a cartoon of a child and an older person doing cartoons together

‘Anansi Lives!’ Reimagine Hackney: Art workshops for ages 6-60+

Join us over half term for exciting cartooning workshops at Dalston CLR James Library

10am-12noon Tuesday 13 February 2024
2pm-4pm Thursday 15 February 2024
2pm-4pm Saturday 17 February 2024

Dalston CLR James Library
Dalston Square
E8 3BQ

Workshop Activities:

  • Anansi storytelling and storyboarding with cartoonist Danny F.

  • Learn about Anansi's origins with African and Caribbean elders.

  • Decorate a friendship circle for the Hackney Wall of Friendship.

  • Add your family history to the Hackney Family Tree.

Anansi Lives! is a graphic anthology of Anansi stories by Hackney comic-writer Danny F. Create your own story set in Hackney featuring the immortal Ghanaian folk character Anansi and adapt it to a storyboard. What do you love about where you live? What changes do you want to see? How will you make it happen?

We will use comic-strip panels, speech bubbles, narration boxes and images to tell your story. Don’t worry if you’re not confident about drawing as storyboarding can incorporate collage and text and we'll be on hand to help.

A free Anansi Lives resource pack will be available after booking. Email: ifminuhlaughmicry@gmail.com for any enquiries.

Artwork produced from Reimagine Hackney art workshops will be exhibited as part of If Mi Nuh laugh Mi Cry: Hackney Art Activism Festival 27th April - 5th May; celebrating Hackney's activist past and how local people can create positive change. Festival venues include Gillett Square, The Vortex, The Rio Cinema and Dalston CLR James Library.